Why use inner join vs left join?
INNER JOIN vs LEFT JOIN Actually, that is not the question at all. You'll use INNER JOIN when you want to return only records having pair on both sides, and you'll use LEFT JOIN when you need all records from the “left” table, no matter if they have pair in the “right” table or not.You can observe the lack of performance because SQL inner join is slower. Outer joins, especially left outer joins, are faster and better performance in most cases. The satisfaction of the inner join condition is mandatory. There are no conditions that we have to meet in the outer join query necessarily.A: Use an inner join when you want to retrieve only the rows where there is a match in both tables based on the join condition. Use a left join when you want to retrieve all rows from the left table and the matched rows from the right table, with NULL values for non-matching rows.

Why would anyone use a left join : LEFT JOIN Usage

This type of JOIN is used when you want to show all data from the left table and only the matching ones from the right. In a way, you're filtering data from the right table.

When should you use inner join

Use INNER JOIN when you need to match rows from two or more tables based on a related column. If you only want results that have matching values in both tables, `INNER JOIN` is the way to go. Avoid INNER JOIN when you want to retrieve rows from one table that may or may not have corresponding rows in another table.

Can we replace left join with inner join : You can replace a LEFT OUTER JOIN with an INNER JOIN if you add the missing values in the related table.

TLDR: The most efficient join is also the simplest join, 'Relational Algebra'. If you wish to find out more on all the methods of joins, read further. Relational algebra is the most common way of writing a query and also the most natural way to do so.

Which join type you use depends on whether you want to include unmatched rows in your results:

  • If you need unmatched rows in the primary table, use a left outer join.
  • If you don't need unmatched rows, use an inner join.

Why do we use inner join in SQL

Inner joins combine records from two tables whenever there are matching values in a field common to both tables. You can use INNER JOIN with the Departments and Employees tables to select all the employees in each department.There is not a "better" or a "worse" join type. They have different meaning and they must be used depending on it. In your case, you probably do not have employees with no work_log (no rows in that table), so LEFT JOIN and JOIN will be equivalent in results.If the tables involved in the join operation are too small, say they have less than 10 records and the tables do not possess sufficient indexes to cover the query, in that case, the Left Join is generally faster than Inner Join. As you can see above, both the queries have returned the same result set.

If you only want results that have matching values in both tables, `INNER JOIN` is the way to go. Avoid INNER JOIN when you want to retrieve rows from one table that may or may not have corresponding rows in another table. In such cases, consider using `LEFT JOIN` or `RIGHT JOIN`.

How do I know which join to use : In general, you'll only really need to use inner joins and left outer joins. Which join type you use depends on whether you want to include unmatched rows in your results: If you need unmatched rows in the primary table, use a left outer join. If you don't need unmatched rows, use an inner join.

What is the difference between inner join and left outer join : Inner joins provide specific, matching data, while left outer joins give a comprehensive view, including unmatched records. Depending on your analysis goals, you can choose the appropriate join type to extract the desired insights from your data.

How do I know which join to use in SQL

In general, you'll only really need to use inner joins and left outer joins. Which join type you use depends on whether you want to include unmatched rows in your results: If you need unmatched rows in the primary table, use a left outer join. If you don't need unmatched rows, use an inner join.

If you dont include the items of the left joined table, in the select statement, the left join will be faster than the same query with inner join. If you do include the left joined table in the select statement, the inner join with the same query was equal or faster than the left join.They are functionally equivalent, but INNER JOIN can be a bit clearer to read, especially if the query has other join types (i.e. LEFT or RIGHT or CROSS ) included in it.

Which join is used the most : Inner Join

Inner Join is one of the most frequently used joins. The left and right tables are joined by predicates. Only the rows that appear in both the left table and the right table meet the condition.