Why i don t use React FC?
Here are some of React's trade-offs: Because it's a library rather than a full framework, React requires more setup which can result in decision fatigue. React trades being concise for being explicit. For example, two-way binding isn't very common, so a change handler is required to keep things in sync.When you are making an app like a game or a demanding creative app, React is not the best choice. This problem stems from the fact that it uses a Virtual DOM. Virtual DOMs, or VDOMs, are layers that help make unoptimized DOM manipulations faster.It's easy to learn. React, compared to other popular frontend frameworks like Angular & Vue, is much easier to learn. In fact, it's one of the main reasons why React gained so much traction in little time. It helps businesses quickly build their projects.

Why do we use react JS : ReactJS provides developers with reusable components that they can use to create new applications. Reusability is like a developer's miracle cure. This platform enables developers to reuse any react component created for another application that performs the same function.

What is the biggest problem with React

Challenge: Large React applications can suffer from performance issues like slow rendering and memory leaks. Solution: Virtualize long lists using libraries like react-window to render only the visible items. Employ lazy loading with React.

Is React good or bad : React is a good fit for projects with multiple state changes that are intertwined and dependent on each other. Changes are tracked on the virtual DOM and then applied to the real DOM, ensuring that React uses the virtual DOM to keep track of changes in the application, then updates the real DOM with those changes.

Class components are still supported by React, but we don't recommend using them in new code. componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot) forceUpdate(callback) setState(nextState, callback)


  • It is a con that is common for constantly updating technologies.
  • ReactJS only covers the UI Layers of the app, and thus there is always a need to choose some other technologies for other development.
  • It results in continuous and fast environmental changes, making it hard to adapt to all the changes.

Is React still popular 2024

However, React JS remains a popular and promising technology that can deliver a better user experience and performance, as well as a simpler and more pleasurable development process.Angular is preferred by developers and users because of its ready-made solutions, yet both technologies are evolving. Hence, both front end development frameworks are popular and famous in the industry.Learning React opens up abundant job opportunities for me. Its component architecture also simplifies building interactive UIs for me. As a developer looking to advance my career, mastering React is an essential skill in 2024 and beyond. The demand for React developers will only grow in the coming years.


  • It is a con that is common for constantly updating technologies.
  • ReactJS only covers the UI Layers of the app, and thus there is always a need to choose some other technologies for other development.
  • It results in continuous and fast environmental changes, making it hard to adapt to all the changes.

Are people still using React : ReactJS is used by many large companies, including Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, and Airbnb. According to BuiltWith, as of September 2021, React is used by over 1.8 million websites and is the most popular JavaScript library.

Is React more difficult than js : React has a steeper learning curve than vanilla javascript as it embraces component-based architecture and JSX syntax. Furthermore, React documentation and community support make it easier to learn and build complex applications once the basics are grasped.

Is React harder than JS

React js vs Javascript: Learning curve. React has a steeper learning curve than vanilla javascript as it embraces component-based architecture and JSX syntax. Furthermore, React documentation and community support make it easier to learn and build complex applications once the basics are grasped.

Yes, React JS is still in high demand due to its popularity, robustness, and the large ecosystem of libraries and tools built around it.Class components are still supported by React, but we don't recommend using them in new code.

Is React moving away from classes : Class components are not going really away — as team members from the React team stated — because they are still widely used in many React projects. The project with the largest usage of React class components may be Facebook itself.